I'm always amazed at how much detail God is aware of in our life. How intimately He knits together our stories.
As we served in our children's ministry this Sunday, we started the morning with prayer for the kiddos. Everyone knows about our journey to get our daughter in Ethiopia and the contstant state of waiting we seem to be in. I was so touched by the prayer of one of the leaders. As she prayed for new seasons for new babies, for new church plants, for new lives united, I was moved to tears. Our Lord does know EVERY part of our lives and how it is to unfold.
I am so blessed by the amazing families we traveled with back in December to Ethiopia. We didn't know each other and frankly didn't leave knowing much more, but as the weeks have passed and we supported and prayed for one another, I am increasingly in awe of our Lord. He knew we'd need the love, prayers, and support of one another. Afterall, no one else can REALLY understand how the "mommy's-in-waiting" feel:)

So, as much as I want to know the next steps. I know that He has the BEST planned for us. I'm increasingly excited about this new season. The new harvest he's put in my sight, and the new heart He is forming in me and in our family. Who knew? It was about much more than adoption.