Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On the Other Side (part 2)

As we approach 2 weeks home, I can say that we are starting to getting into a groove as a new family of 4. Wow, I had no idea how much of a jolt it would be especially for Ean. Granted, we've been very intentional parents with Ean pouring into him as much as we both can, so I can see why it would be a huge loss for him. I can't quite figure out how we do that with two children let alone 18+ like the Duggars! Ha.

Evy is doing really great overall. She sleeps 12+ hours each night plus a regular daytime nap. It's as if she fell right into a schedule with us. I honestly can't see signs of her being adopted at this stage. She was clearly well loved and cared for in Ethiopia which is huge. She has attached great with both Carlos and I, and she knows when we're not around! She is content playing alone and takes an occasional "love pat" from her big brother...but she jumps up and goes back for more! Tough girl. Honestly, she seems to have blended in with our family as well as I would have expected. It's been more of an adjustment for us accepting her in our routines.

I've not had a lot of time to fully reflect on all of our trip. There were for sure many ups and downs and to be very honest I'm glad it's behind us. One thing I know for certain is that God is using this little girl and our journey in the lives of many. I'm always surprised and extremely blessed when I receive feedback from others about how following our story has impacted their lives. This was never our story but His to tell. You can really see it in Evy's eyes. He's given her a life and a spark that draws people in which has been so beautiful to watch unfold.

I feel like I'm a character in an unwritten story...excited to flip the page to see what's next. For those that know me, you know that's a big change. I'm your typical Type A planner, want to be in control, want to know what's coming next, you know the one, right? Now, I am happily unaware of what tomorrow brings, and I'm genuinely at peace. I have no idea what's ahead for our family, but I know the One that does...and finally, I'm able to relax and enjoy the ride. One thing I know for certain, when he puts these little ones in your heart He Will Provide.

Take a seat and buckle up for the ride....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On the Other Side (part 1)

We're finally home from our long journey to bring Evy home. Wow, so much to process before I can share fully all that God is doing in my heart. I wish I could say it was all joy and happiness, but there have certainly been a lot of moments of apprehension.

Evy did great after a few days with us in Ethiopia. The first day was rough. She cried a lot leaving her nannies at the Care Center (which is normal), but it was stressful with her crying non stop. Thankfully, she has now adjusted well to both Carlos and I which really helps us manage two kids!

Ean on the other hand is having a really hard time. There are likely a lot of factors.... On our return trip, Ean was very ill. He began vomitting around noon the day we returned to the U.S. so badly that we took him to a Korean hospital in Addis. Yeah, a little odd to go to a Korean hospital in Africa, but nontheless, we were thankful. They sent a translator with us which helped. Otherwise, we would have been lost for days in the chaotic process of seeing a doctor. I felt more at peace once we discovered it was a Christian run facility (I guess in my mind I had pictured an old man hovering over a fire pit chanting). Ha!

Ean was doing well all afternoon until he started getting sick at the airport again. After we were in the air, the crew became increasingly concerned and arranged for a Dr. to come on board when we stopped in Sudan to refuel. All I could do was cry. I wanted to be there for Ean, but I was holding our new daughter and knew that we had to continue on with her even if they required Ean to stay there with his dad. Truly heartbreaking.

Thankfully, he was cleared to leave Sudan as long as he was checked at the airport hospital in Amsterdam. The angels must have heard our cries because by the time we arrived in Amsterdam he was doing much better. Praise God. We were able to continue on with our flights and get home as scheduled.

I am so glad we're home, and that this part of the journey is behind us. Now, we face the transition of Evy into our family. I guess this is the part of adoption journey that people don't talk much about. I mean, we all want to do something to change a child's life, or we wouldn't pursue it. My heart still has moments of uncertainty as I watch Ean struggle to adapt to a new sister. He pushes, hits, and pinches. Yikes. I feel more like a referee than a parent right now. But, somehow I know that the Lord has a plan, and we will all grow through this experience.

For now, I feel a bit like a mix of neopolitan ice-cream...a little bit of happy, a little bit of sad, and mostly clingly on to the ONE I know has the plan.