We have this "tagline" (as I would call it with my "marketing hat" on) at our church..."we're about being a community of people helping each other as we experience the story of God putting His family back together." I've heard that week after week, until last Friday, it took a deeper meaning for me.
On Friday, we received the official relinquishment papers for our baby girl in Ethiopia. I was heart broken to read the accounts and details of her relinquishment to the orphanage. I was broken for her. I was broken for her mom. And, I questioned if I would be equipped to someday answer her tough questions for me about her parents.
As Carlos and I prayed throughout the weekend, and spent time with our friends from Ethiopia on Sunday - God revealed His bigger plan. That is, that He has chosen our family to help restore our daughter's family and to truly bring His together as One. What a powerful image.
It was very clear after our dinner last night. We asked our friends, Wegi and Tsion, to pray with us about a couple of specific needs as we prepare to bring our daughter home. It is, after all, His vision for us and His provision. Carlos asked them to pray in their native tongue. It was the most remarkable experience. As we held hands and they prayed over us, I could just sense us becoming One family. God has blessed us so much by bringing into our lives people from the very country we're adopting.
I have no idea what is ahead for us, but I know that He is doing mighty things, and He has a plan for our baby girl. I look forward to telling her "her story" and how God brought her to her new family....I just know He's going to use her testimony in mighty ways.
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