Our son loves trains. Trains sitting on a track going nowhere. Loud trains that blow their horns as they roll by. Imaginary trains when he plays, and even books about trains. Curious George is his favorite story about trains. Whenever we read the Curious George Train Story, Ean will (without prompting) know the exact moment that the conductor in the story yells "All Aboard!" and will proudly join in!
I envy Ean's disregard for what's on the train, where it's going and when it's leaving. He just wants to hop on and take a ride because he knows it will be fun. He doesn't worry about safety, or where he needs to be next - he lives in the moment.
I had to admit, this has been a really hard week. After much waiting, we thought we'd at least have a sense of when we'll be going back to Ethiopia by the end of this week. As it turns out, that was not in God's plan. Not only did the Embassy change procedures, now the MOWA office (Ministry of Women's Affairs) has closed temporarily means none of the paperwork now required by the Embassy can be completed. Lord, what are you up to?
This week, the only way I could describe how I feel is that I'm on the CRAZY TRAIN and no one will let me off. Honestly, I wanted to "turn back." Say, "Oh never mind, I think I'll just pass and get on with my life." But, I know that even in the uncertainty and madness that there is purpose.
As I think about Ean's love for trains, I realize that there must be trust in the conductor. Trust that he knows where he's going, what the schedule is and the best way to get there. Lord, I'm just a passenger here. As much as I want to jump up front and take control, I'm along for the ride. Let's roll!
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