I was reminded this morning to celebrate my inability to control life. Wait. Stop. That seems like a weird thought. After all, isn't that what we all want? Control.
I considered the story of Joshua outside of Jericho. Clearly Joshua was anxious about the battle ahead of him, and who wouldn't be if you were told to
march around the city carrying a trumpet and on the 7th day play the trumpets along with a loud shout and poof the walls will collapse...really? That's your master plan God? He must have felt foolish.

I certainly have my moments of feeling foolish. I wonder if we took a wrong turn or somehow misunderstood the plan. This past Sunday at church, it was as if the Lord was speaking just to us. We were beat, worn down and honestly all I did was cry for most of the service. The Lord was gently affirming where we are and reminding us that He's calling us to take a radical step with our lives....
I've had a book on my desk for months. I thought I'd have all this time to read it during our first trip to Ethiopia, but I didn't. This week, I was drawn to it. I suppose now is when I'm ready to receive what the Lord has in it for me. In David Platt's book "Radical", I was reminded that these are circumstances God loves - those are - times when we are completely unable. It's the point when we realize that God has divinely orchestrated circumstances in our life so that only He will get the glory from what unfolds. This is what Platt says:
This is how God works. He puts his people in positions where they are desperate for his power, and then he shows his provision in ways that display his greatness.
So, I'm feeling pretty confident not in my own ability but in God's today. And, I'm trying to rest in the fact that He put all of these wheels in motion...our adoption...Carlos job situation...my desire to be at home more with our kids...to show me that I can't fix it. But He Can. He will bring His glory to this all somehow.
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