Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Moments to Remember

There are so many great moments being a mom. My own mother used to tell me how fast time goes once you get "older," and I suppose I'm officially there now that I see my little Ean growing so quickly before my eyes. When he awoke early yesterday morning and joined me in our bed, I lay there thinking about all the wonderful memories these last 20 months. I could see the frame of his body against the glow of the rising sun through our window, and it prompted me to start this list of things I hope to always remember:

1) The first time I saw Ean on the ultrasound and could make out the shape of his eyes and nose. I can still see it in my mind when I look at him asleep.

2) The glow in his eyes and his big smile

3) His first words, Momma, lights, Dadda, agua....and now we're on to ninos, bear, cat, car, keys, gracias, thank you, please, bird, choo-choo, shower, stairs,'s amazing how quickly children learn!

4) He loves to read books and now proudly sits on the couch with a stack to read by himself.

5) The awe of his stare out the window watching every move of the birds, the squirrels, sky, and cars driving by.

6) The laughter in our car every time he sees the "mailmo" or otherwise known as mailman. He yells for him. Ha!

7) The sound of pitter-patter on our hardwood floors as he runs from spot to spot exploring, being chased, or just making himself laugh.

8) His love for bano or bathtime!

9) The excitement on his face when he sees the garage door open and knows that Daddy is home.

10) When he yells "yes" on Bluetooth when we're calling Daddy in the car. He could probably make a call on his own now. Ha!

11) His proud announcement of "poo-poo" as we try to teach him to use the potty. He tells me 10 times a day!

12) The love and fascination he has for being outside.

13) His love for "order" - ha, guess he got something from his Momma.

14) He can now feed himself with a spoon and is fiercely independent, so no touching his bowl!

15) He knows how to work his Mommy and Daddy - watch out teenage years.

16) The sweet sound of his voice when he says "Amen" after we say a prayer.

17) His innocence as he gets close to the fence to explore the doggy next door to only be frightened by the loud bark. He cries and says "Woo -woof".

18) The big smile and "Momma" I hear when I pick him up from his bed.

19) The memories of the hard journey we had when he was first born as he lay there with tubes, monitors, etc....compared to where he is today.

20) And my most favorite moment when we make "pop-porn" that is popcorn! He gets his own bowl from the cabinet and the two of us sit on our couch to eat. We toss in several pieces shrug our nose and give eachother big smiles after every single bite!

I am so thankful for our little Ean - the person he is becoming and the best job I have ever had - being his mommy!

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