Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We're official! We're #22 on the waiting list for our sweet little girl from Ethiopia. Part of me is anxious about the wait, but I know that God has perfect timing for us to be united with the child He has for our family so that gives me comfort. Wow, so the journey has really begun!

Friday, April 9, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

1. Long walks with Ean as he talks about the birds and the dogs on the street
2. Watching Ean laugh as he slides at the park
3. Thoroughly enjoying sliding and racing Ean through the obstacle course at the infatable bounce house!
4. Going shopping with Ean at Target where he loves to see the popcorn as well as a trip to the mall to share an ice cream (shh, don't tell daddy)
5. Reading Ean's favorite book about "Big Brother, Little Brother"
6. Watching Ean race on his bike around the kitchen on the side of the wheel before he crashes into the couch
7. Visiting the zoo on a cool early morning

I miss my little Ean - but I'm so glad to have had these months to be with him. He truly is my sunshine!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Changes

Wow, so it's been a while since I've had time to write. A lot has changed in a few short weeks. I started a new job which has been interesting and hard. I miss Ean so much and long for when I can be home with him again. Carlos' job ended so he is now home with Ean part-time - and he's loving it. I'm really glad that God provided my new job for many reasons but mostly because it gives Carlos a unique time to spend with his son. After all, how many daddy's get to be home with their children? I think it's great for Ean as well as Carlos.

To say the least, I've been very sad. I struggle with why God has chosen this direction for me - that is being away from Ean. However, in the moments I've had to reflect on these last few months, I can see how amazing God has been in providing for our family and giving me remarkable peace in spite of such uncertainty.

We do have exciting news to share - we are officially in the adoption process for a sweet baby girl from Ethiopia! We hope to finalize our home study and dossier this week officially putting us on the waiting list - Yeah! It's not really hit me yet that we will have a new addition to our family, but I'm so excited to see how all of this will unfold. I really believe in my heart that God has a plan for our family which includes in some fashion our involvement in Africa. And, deep in my heart, I know that He knows my desire to be a full-time mommy. I know that in the right time -He will make the path straight.

So, for now, I enjoy walking on the dock and looking at the lake during my lunches on Sea Ray island. And, I get to meet a new group of people. Today as I read my devotion, I was reminded that one of my biggest purposes on this earth is to worship our Lord Jesus Christ which includes honoring the path He's chosen for me. So...once again, we wait.

This week I also celebrated my 36th birthday. Wow, where has the time gone? My wonderful husband surprised me with flowers at my new office, and when I arrived home my mom had sent gorgeous flowers to my house as well! What a blessing. To top it off, I had two sweet cards from my little Ean and a ton of well wishes from my Facebook friends. It truly was one of my best birthdays ever knowing how much I am loved.

So, thank you Lord for loving me so well through those you've put in my life!