Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Here!

The long awaited news finally arrived! We're leaving to pick up our baby girl. I am so excited. Our Embassy interview is on March 28th which means that we leave in less than 2 weeks.

It seems like we've been waiting for this so long, and yet I feel a little "in shock" emotionally thinking about a new addition to our family. I am so in awe of God's faithfulness. We literally received our Embassy confirmation the last possible day to still fall within the week of Evy's birthday AND the week that our dear friend Kristin could travel with us. While we were prepared to go without her, we couldn't imagine not having her with us since she's been such a huge part of our journey this past year...not to mention that she truly is the baby whisperer! Our son Ean absolutely loves her, and I know that Evy will too. Not to mention that I look forward to some sweet girl time with her. God is good.

Even though it's been a painful long journey, we are so excited to see what God has for our future. I'm in awe of His faithfulness and His love for us. I KNOW that we are in good hands.

Stay tuned to meet our baby girl.....

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